Types of Medicine
There are many different types of medicine. These include conventional medical
practices, alternative and complementary medicine easterntribunal, and various forms of spiritual
healing. The type of medicine that a person chooses depends on their personal
preferences, as well as their health needs and goals.

Antibiotics: How they work, uses, side effects and how to use
Conventional medical practice, also known as allopathic medicine, is a general term
used to describe the use of medications and surgery to treat and prevent disease. It
is often supported by counseling and lifestyle changes.
Some other types of medicine include herbal medicines, acupuncture, homeopathy,
art therapy, traditional Chinese medicine and other methods of healing. They may
be based on religion, science or philosophy and are not considered scientific by
medical standards.
Alternative and complementary medicine is a sub-discipline of modern medicine that
involves non-toxic therapies that are not supported by scientific research or clinical
trials. These include herbal medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, art and music
therapy and alternative forms of surgery.
Herbal medicines, or plant extracts, are usually ingested by mouth and contain
herbs (plants or their parts), chemicals, or other substances that help with the
treatment of illness. They are sometimes used in conjunction with pharmaceuticals
to achieve better results.
Other kinds of medicines, or pharmaceuticals, are chemical substances that can help
cure diseases. They may be produced in labs or are derived from natural sources.
Antibiotics are a type of drug that kills or slows the growth of bacteria that cause
infections and illnesses.
Steroids are hormone-like substances that can affect different organ systems in the
body. They are sometimes injected into the body to boost certain functions. They
can also be used illegally by athletes to enhance performance.

CAIT alleges violation of Drugs & Cosmetics Act by e-pharmacies - The  Economic Times
Some people’s bodies don’t make enough of certain chemicals that are needed for
healthy function, such as insulin or thyroid hormone. If this happens, doctors can
prescribe medicines that replace them.
Medications can be classified into thousands of different groups according to how
they work or what kind of effect they have on the body. Classification helps doctors
limit side effects, predict how a person will react to a medication, and choose a
replacement when the original doesn’t work.
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) is a nonprofit, non-governmental
organization that was founded in 1820 and is responsible for ensuring drugs meet
quality standards and are safe for use. The agency also tests new drugs and works
to ensure that they are effective.
Another classification system is called the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical
Classification System (ATC). This classifies drugs by their chemical properties and
their mode of action or activity.
Other categories of medicines are controlled drugs, which are regulated by law and

require a doctor’s prescription before you can buy them. These medicines are
dangerous if they are taken incorrectly, or in large quantities.
A category of medicine is marked with a POM or ‘prescription only’ label. These
medicines must be prescribed by a doctor or dentist before they can be purchased,
and the packaging will have a mark like this on it.